Image Sequence Control:

1- Looping:

and here is a common mistake I found over the forums that they put $F%250 but this will loop from 0 to 249 since when you reach frame 250 250%250 = 0 so you should add 1.


Here the story a bit different, since we dont want the result ever to equal 0 we had to add 1 but adding it will shift the numbering so on frame 1 it will load texture 0002 and it will loop perfectly but if this is a problem for you and you wanna match the frame number then you subtract 1 from the frame.

2- Offsetting:

This one is easy just replace $F4 with padzero(4,$F - offset amount) ****so the full path will be for example:

$HIP/maps/my_map.padzero(4,$F +10).exr

3- Holding:

We have three scenarios here:

$HIP/maps/my_map.padzero(4, min($F , 250)).exr

$HIP/maps/my_map.padzero(4, max($F , 1)).exr

$HIP/maps/my_map.padzero(4, clamp($F,1,250)).exr

String Edit: